Affiliate Area

Everyone that becomes a member on this site automatically becomes an “affiliate” in our Affiliate Program also. An Affiliate Program is simply a way to reward you when you refer others to become members of this site using your referral link below. You do not have to refer others, but if you do, and they signup, you will earn 5% commission when they play games, or purchase virtual fish and items.

Commission may show up as TRX in the account dashbaord, but you will only receive Centric Rise (CNR) for your commission payments. You can request to withdraw your CNR, or CNS tokens from your wallet on this site, into your wallet, once the p2p has been activated by the team. Until then, we will safely hold all Centric Rise and Cash tokens that you win or earn here, and will ALWAYS honor our CNS & CNR amounts 1:1 with the CNS & CNR tokens from no matter how much the cost.

To withdraw ANY of your tokens balances, use the “Withdraw” menu icon on top of the page.
Minimum withdraw amounts are:

There are NO FEES to withdraw Centric Rise commission payments!
(Centric Rise (CNR) is a “Rise-Only” TRC20 token on the Tron Blockchain, created by Centric).
